13 miles with a workout: 3xMile, 3x800, 2x400 with 400m jogging recovery between reps. Did it on the roads today because I didn't want to hurt my foot again trying to hop the fence to the track. Super lame how schools are always locking up their tracks around here. They even said this one was going to be open to the public, so that makes it extra annoying when they put a big fence around it. Anyways, workout went ok, not terrible but not great. Really need to work on getting some speed back after the marathon as anything under 5:20 pace feels really uncomfortable right now and I dread just about every one of these faster interval workouts.
Miles: 5:26, 5:19, 5:23
800s: 2:34, 2:32, 2:33
400s: 70, 70