AM: Went over to Payson to give Kim her first taste of Payson canyon uphill/downhill running. As usual it was a little hard to get the legs to wake up in the early AM hours but after a couple of miles I was feeling pretty good. Kim must have also been feeling good because she kept speeding up every mile on the uphill. We ran 3.5 miles up then turned around where Kim starting doing 3 1-mile repeats back down with 2-minute jog rests in between. I've been wanting to do only very easy miles for a few days to try and resolve some lingering injury issues. So far so good although it was tough to stay in the easy pace range since Kim was cranking out some sub-7 min paces during stretches of the downhill mile repeats. Overall we did around 7:30 pace on the repeats. My legs are still feeling great so I'm thinking after another easy day tomorrow I will try to keep the majority of my 20-mile run on Saturday in the 7:30-8:00 range.
Besides seeing many deer and 1 fox (2 if I count Kim), there was also a sighting of fellow FRBer Marion (I could have included Marion in the fox count as well but wasn't sure if that was proper ettiquete!). She was running strong up the Canyon while we were coming down finishing up. Good job Marion!
Overall ave pace 9:22.
Late AM: Ran a couple slow miles on the treadmill (8:30 - 9:00) then did my core workout. |