AM: Well today was one of those Soggy Bottom Boy runs as Kim and I had a delightful jaunt in the rain. Ran the river bottoms 6-mile loop. Ave pace 9:52.
Late AM: So I guess it is a double-rain run day. Went 7 miles on Kuhni road in the drizzle. Actually it wasn't bad at all as shortly into the run I got in one of those zones where I just feel good and the running feels effortless. I noticed my pace kept dipping out of the easy range down into marathon pace territory so I had to keep reminding myself that I'm running a 5K Saturday and I should save the effort for then. Just hope I feel as good then as I did today. Was it the massage yesterday? Or just a good ol' dose of endorphines? Whatever the case it just felt pretty dandy. Ave pace 7:25.
Also while I was running I was thinking about Sasha's blog yesterday where he talked about his running form and how in pictures it looks like he's overstriding but in reality he's whipping the legs forward and back while in the air so that when the foot strikes it does so with force and springiness with forward momentum. I've read about how elite runners run this way and heard descriptions before but until I read Sasha's explanation I don't think I really fully grasped the concept in a way that was concrete enough to be helpful in my running. So anyway I was making a few minor changes in my stride today to try to add a bit of this "springiness". I liked the way it felt, seemed to allow me to noticeably speed up with not much more effort and without feeling that much different from my default stride.