Good day today! Happy Birthday today Elder Camron Lee, 20 years young! Can't believe I have a 20 year old kid! Got up in the morning a few hours before the race and got a couple of warmup miles with Kim. Then headed up to Saltair Pavillion for the 10am race. Wasn't sure what to expect after some less then stellar training runs as of late. But was pleasantly surprised to feel good and run well and exceed my "Gold" goal of sub-39 by over 20 seconds! Also a 10K PR by over a minute and a 5K PR for the last 1/2 of the race. It was great to meet and talk to all the bloggers. Great bunch of runners and people. I'd list all the names but I fear I might leave someone out, there were quite a large contigent of FRB folks today and it looks to me like everyone did great. Nice honest course, pretty much flat with a bit of headwind the first 5K. This was my first time ever even having a thought of being able to stay with my long-time buddy from HS days, Terry Bean (oldbean on the blog), also my long-time running mentor. Well today the Master Terry showed the student/grasshopper Tom that he still has a little zip still left as he smoked me by almost a minute, shattering my dream of being the overall Masters champion but on the other hand allowing me to bump up a spot and get 1st in the 40-44 division. Actually I can't think of a greater guy I'd rather have keep me out of 1st place. Here are my splits and commentary: Mile 1 - 6:14 feeling good, running in a pack at this point, wind not a problem. Stayed with Terry for this mile.
Mile 2 - 6:15 still feeling good, although less of a pack now so wind starting to be a little bit of and issue, I think Terry started speeding up a bit more than I on this mile but still within striking distance. Mile 3 - 6:17 nobody to draft off of for this mile, headwind is most noticeable and I can't quite hold the 6:15 goal pace. Mile 4 - 6:11 slight tailwind now so decide to try 6:10 pace and see what it feels like. Terry takes off like a wildman running sub-6 and I am too afraid of crash-and-burn to try to stay with him. This is the last mile that felt somewhat "comfortable"
Mile 5 - 6:12 getting tough now but I'm able to pass a couple of runners. Unfortunately I get "chicked" by 2 very speedy chicas (I think one of them was just a pacer and not running the race). I try to stick with them for a while but can't hold on, I think they are doing 6 min pace. Mile 6 - 6:12 this mile was not very fun, feeling some pain now but I guess that's how it is supposed to be. I have a bit of a duel with another obviously Masters age runner, passing each other a few times until I can tell he is struggling pretty good with about a 1/2 mile to go. At this point I know I'm going to go sub-39 and this gives me a boost to speed up and leave my buddy in the dust. .2 - 1:15 I usually have no kick so very happy to be able to run 5:44 pace to finish strong. It also helped to see Kim up ahead cheering me on and armed with camera to catch the finish! Thanks Kim! We'll post all the pictures later if we can figure out how to do it. Good job FRB bloggers! Thanks for all the inspiration, training tips, encouragement and friendship over the last year. Thanks most to Kim for not only allowing me to indulge my running addiction but in also turning into a great runner in her own right. I look forward to cheering her in a few weeks at the Run 4 Red 5K!
Attempting to post pictures below..... Thanks Kim for being the FRB photographer today! Sorry to those that got missed, things got a bit crazy at the finish at times and we missed a few of our awesome FRB runners coming in.

