40 minutes on the exercise bike and some light stretching and push-ups. Going to see the doc this afternoon.
UPDATE: So after going to the doc and discussing exactly what happened and the nature of the hip pain, we're thinking I must have a pretty good muscle strain or tear in one of the hip flexor muscles. He said these can take 4-6 weeks to fully heal which is kinda what I was thinking was likely the reality based on the pain yesterday trying to run. Maybe not my favorite thing but not too bad to deal with.
I'll continue with the biking for a while, add some phys therapy after a few days and beef up the core work. I'm thinking I may sell my UVM entry and look toward a fall marathon. I'm also thinking maybe UVM and I just aren't meant for each other, this would make me 1-3 getting to the starting line and 0-3 finishing. |