Did a little bit of everything today. Even though my right achilles is feeling much better I wanted to still take it easy for another day so I did some cross-training (bike/weights), then got 3 miles on the treadmill. I was dumb and had forgotten my long/warm tights but Kim was kind enough to bring them in for me around noon. Better yet she hadn't got her run in yet so we went out together and got in a great out-and-back 5-miler, mostly on Kuhni Road. I say "mostly" because the first and last 1/2 mile of the run we were on snow-covered sidewalks and would have been better off with snowshoes or skis! But Kim was really in the zone today and ran most every mile I think in the 9:30-10:00 range and still was doing pretty well with the conversation. I think this was her fastest 5-miler yet so I'm excited to see what she can do at Painters!