Oh my....what a morning.  I slept super great last night.  I wasn't meeting anyone and had no pressure of missing my alarm.  I got to the gym right at 6:00am.  I ate a peanut butter and honey sandwich.  Since I felt pretty good last week, I was excited to get this run ON!  After all, it was only one more mile. I set up my treadmill and started my first 7 mile run.  I felt good and watched Law and Order.  Took a GU at mile 6.  Reset the TM and only made it to 2 miles.  My mental mojo fell in a dark hole and I started to struggle.  I took a potty break (but couldn't go) and a few GU Chomps to see if it would help.  But the thing that got to me was A.  watching the clock and know I still had HOURS left to go and B.  seeing people come into the gym and then leave.  For the most part, I am a good TM runner.  I don't get super bored and can handle the miles alright.  Except for today.  I totally crashed. (so maybe I'm not a good TM runner anymore) I barely made it through the last 7 miles.  I took a 2xcaffeinated GU at mile 11.5 and was really banking on the caffeine.  I think it helped physically, but not mentally.  I stopped every mile for a few seconds just to try and finish. Another thing that assisted in losing my mojo was that I wore a cotton tank.  It was soaking wet.  It was heavy and sticking to my stomach.  I would have given anything for a new shirt. I walked for a long time after and laid on the floor in the stretching area.  Physically, I was tired and my ankle felt good, BUT mentally I was gonezo.  Finally, I mustered up enough strength to do two LLL, foam roll and stretch.  I also took off my tank and put on my long sleeve shirt.  Sorry for all you that I offended.  I just didn't care anymore. I stopped at the gas station and got  a Coke on the way home..  This is probably too much TMI, but I couldn't pee until 1:30pm.  I drank 3 large water bottles and a 1/3 thing of gatoraide during the run.  I ate a peanut butter/honey sandwich, 2 GUS and a few chomps.  So I'm not sure what the dealo was. Regardless, it is done.Â