Met Karen F. and Karen H. at Austin HS track at 6:30 AM. Nice cool morning with temps in the mid 30's. We did a warm-up mile and a quarter and then did 4 speed interval miles with a 1/4 mile recovery between each. Actually I only got in 3 and a half speed interval miles because my right heel pain made me call it quits during the last speed interval mile.
Then we headed for the Town Lake trail for a few easy miles. I pulled off at the People Bridge loop and only got in 3.1 miles on this one. The right foot pain was getting ugly.
Lynn and I headed for home. It has been almost 4 months since the Pikes Peak Marathon where I injured the right heel. I thought it was a bruise. The doctor says it is plantar fasciitis which is why I got an orthotic two weeks ago.
Big decision. I have decided to take a month off from running to try to get real deep healing on the right foot. This will be the first time in years that I have taken a month off from running. I'll have to figure out what to do to get in my aerobic training without the pounding of running. |