TEXAS Paul - Out to Pasture - Healing

Pikes Peak Marathon

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Member Since:

Aug 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

ENTRY 1: Age 61 and I'm still alive and running. . . . . . ENTRY 2: Austin, TX, Muddy Buddy Masters, 1st place, 2005, 2006, and 2008 with Karen F. (see picture above - Karen H.; Karen F.; Me; Carey) (Karen H. & Carey did an Ironman in Idaho in June 2007) . . . . ENTRY 3: St. George Marathon 2001 3:18:03; 2002 3:15:56; 2003 3:18:04; 2004 3:19:03; 2005 3:37:21; 2006 & 2007 did not make the lottery. 2008 3:54:04 (tough).  .  .  .  . ENTRY 4: 2007 San Antonio Marathon - 1st place age group 60-64. . . . . ENTRY 5: Eight consecutive Boston Marathons since 2001. Best time so far was 3:35:09 in 2003. Age 55. . . . . . ENTRY 6: Pikes Peak Marathon 5:56:33 in 2005. 3rd place out of 54 runners ( group 55-59) Age 58. . . . . . ENTRY 7: Pikes Peak Marathon - 2008 - 2nd place in my age group (33 registered, 23 finished) running in the snow and ice the last 2 miles of the Ascent at the top . . . . . . ENTRY 8: 3M Half Marathon at a 7:11 pace in 2005, age 57. . . . . . . ENTRY 9: Congress Avenue Mile Austin, TX 5:46 in 2004. Age 57

Short-Term Running Goals:

Entry 1:  Get in a full 6 months of prep for 2009 Boston, no excuses, run a strong Boston. . . . .Entry 2: Use Pilates methods for core strengthening and flexibility improvements.. . . . . . Entry 3: Get completely healed from the muscle disorder that has plagued me since February 2006 (Polymyalgia Rheumatica)

Long-Term Running Goals:

Entry 1. Complete 10 consecutive Boston Marathons - I have done 8 so far. . . . . . . Entry 2. Continue running marathons through my 60's and into my 70's, 80's and 90's.


Married, 2 children, 2 grand children. My 9 year old grand-daughter is convinced she is a runner.  My 4 year old grandson loves to wear his Boston Marathon and Pikes Peak Marathon t-shirts.  He wants to run the mountain with grandpa. 

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Got home.  Had dinner.  Full stomach went over to Florence HS to run.  Hot Texas night.  After 2 miles I could feel the dinner coming back up.  Called it a night after 2.5.  Going to do 20 Hill of Life miles this Saturday.  Pikes Peak is just over 2 weeks away.  

Currently doing 8mg of Prednisone medication a day for my PMR muscle issue.  Feeling pretty good overall.   

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Got up at 3:45 AM and headed for the Hill of Life.  Ran 20 repeats (20 miles).  The last 3 repeats were tough, in the humidity and sun.  Recovery this afternoon has been good.  I don't feel any specific soreness in the legs.  2 weeks to go and we will be in Colorado to run Pikes Peak Marathon.  

I lost training days over the last month when I thought I had broken a rib in a training run coming down the Barr Trail on Pikes Peak.  All systems are go right now.   

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Did the Monday evening run at McNeil HS.  There were about 40 of us in the group tonight.  Ran with Tam, Daniel, Earl.  Did 2 miles warm-up, then did 3 each 1000M runs with 100M jog recover.  Then did 1 mile cool-down. 

We have finally got hot weather in Austin.  Tam and Daniel said that it was over 100 degrees, and then to add to the heat it is hotter on the track.  A great night.

1 week 6 days to Pikes Peak Marathon. 

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Went over to Florence HS with my wife and did 3 hot miles.  

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Met our Saturday morning running group at Austin HS tennis court parking lot.  Ran up to Mt. Bonnell and back for the 10 mile loop.  Temps were moderate but humidity was sure high.  The run felt great, and I pushed it up the second half of the Mt. Bonnell hill.  A fun run.  One week to go for Pikes Peak.


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Monday night at McNeil HS.  Hot, humid.  2 warm-up miles.  For a workout we did 5 repetitions of  600 meters at 5K pace and then 100M recovery.  In the 104 degree humid weather this was a nice workout.   We had about 35 runners here on this hot evening.  Then did 1.25 mile cool down.


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Did cross training working out in the yard, getting ready to drive to Colorado tomorrow morning about 4:00 AM.  Pikes Peak Marathon is this Sunday.  Looking forward to go up and down that mountain again.  

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Race: Pikes Peak Marathon (26.2 Miles) 07:35:47, Place overall: 469, Place in age division: 11
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I did an edit to select this as a race report instead of a normal running log entry.

Ran the Pikes Peak Marathon, touted as Americas Ultimate Challenge. It didn't disappoint me. I had a great experience for the 3rd year in a row. Checking the data it looks like I was the oldest Texas runner, along with one other guy from here in Austin, both of us are 60. It was a warm start with temps about 60 degrees and at the finish about 90 degrees.

After doing the first 1.6 miles through Manitou Springs (starting at 6,300 feet elevation) we started up the relentless 3 miles of the W's. As I continued to check my heart rate it was bouncing at 171 and 172. It was basically in that range for most of the 3 miles of the climb up the W's which took most of an hour. I wondered if bouncing close to my maximum HR (174) would take much of an effect on the remining ascent to the top. I think it did.

My time at the Barr Camp (10,200 feet elevation) checkpoint was the same as last year at 2hr 1min. But from Barr Camp to the top (14,110 feet elevation) I could feel the legs suffering and turning to rubber. It took me 30 minutes longer to get to the summit this year than last. Note the summit at Pikes Peak is 2,361 feet higher than the top of Mt. Timpanogos in Utah.

On the descent from the summit down to the A-frame checkpoint (11,950 feet elevation) the legs were still feeling like they were pretty much spent. Note this elevation is 564 feet higher than the top of Mt. Timpanogos in Utah. Then all of a sudden the legs came back to life. During the last 10 miles of the descent I was able to finally put a push into the race, passing lots of runners and finishing back in Manitou Springs with a sprint to the finish line.

My target that I fully expected to make was 6hr 30min. My actual finish time was 7:35:47, giving me an 11th place finish out of 29 in my age group that finished the marathon.

It was an interesting race, because the experience of exhausting myself on the ascent and then finally getting recovery on the descent was part of what made this a great race. Sometimes you have to celebrate the race within the race.

The other important emphasis for me was that I had dedicated the race to my brother-in-law, Larry Caldwell, who has just been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer which is inoperable. While I was at the summit (14,110 ft), I took a minute and found a rock that would fit into my fanny pack so I could carry it down to the finish. We are going to frame the rock in a shadow box with some of the race pictures and give it to him. I had his name pinned to the back of my singlet and a lot of runners asked about the name. When I told them about the dedication of my race to Larry they said to tell him that they would be praying for him. A bunch of great people running this race.

I saw several runners take serious falls, one runner on his descent 10 feet in front of me slammed his back into a big rock, saved only by his fanny pack with his water bottle. Another fell 10 feet behind me on the descent, so we stopped to see if he was okay and he sent us on our way. I tripped 6 or 7 times but recovered every time, thank goodness. At the finish line it looked like a medical tent.

A great race. I plan to be back next year and hopefully the polymyalgia rheumatica issues with the muscles will be gone and I will be back in form to do a podium finish like I did 2 years ago. But regardless of the time of the finish, this is an awesome race. I talked with a woman who has a friend who has done both the Pikes Peak Marathon and done an Ironman race, and she said the Pikes Peak Marathon was harder on her than the Ironman. I have never done an Ironman so I can't give any feedback on that one.

As far as the body goes, the really good news is that I walked away from the race with no injuries at all. No ankle sprains, no Achilles tendon issues, no plantar tendon issues, no I/T band issues, no hamstring issues, no quad issues, no sore back, no sore ribs, nothing at all to complain about. I'm ready to focus now on some speed work and get trained to qualify for next year's Boston. I go in to see the doctor for my annual physical this week. For the blood test I'm going to ask him to give me a good reading on iron levels and testosterone levels, as I know both of those can affect your energy levels for racing.

To put the race course in perspective to the Utah runners, in order to get the same elevation gain (of 7,815 feet) in Utah you would have to start a race at the Purple Turtle in Pleasant Grove, and run 1.6 miles toward Mt. Timpanogos, then run up to the top of Mt. Timpanogos, and then imagine a 56 story tall building on top of Timp and you would run up all 56 stories. At that point you would be half way through with your race. Then turn around and run back down. And even this would be an easier race, since the start line in Pleasant Grove is only at an elevation of 4,498 feet, which is 1,802 feet lower than the start of the race in Manitou Springs, Colorado. Anyway this helps put the Pikes Peak Marathon in a perspective any time I drive in Utah County and look up at Timp. In Utah people get all excited to do the Timp hike, where they drive up to the 8,000 foot level in American Fork Canyon to the start of the Timp trail head, and then at midnight start a hike that takes all night to get an elevation gain of around 3,700 feet. The sunrise from this vantage point is amazing. I have done that hike with family two times and it is an awesome experience, but it does pale to the effort that the Pikes Peak Marathon gives you.

Next year is only 12 months away. Lets do it.

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3 days after Pikes Peak and we had a great run at Brushy Creek.  Ran with Karen F and Karen H.  Temps in mid 90's with high humidity and some clouds and thunder moving in from Hurricane Dean.  The run started and ended at the park where they have the water fun area with jets going all over the place, so we could take off our shoes and get in the water fountains with the kids and get cooled down, awesome.  Planning for a 10 mile run early Friday morning if we can all get schedules coordinated. 

I am amazed at how good I feel just 3 days since Pikes Peak Marathon.  This is almost goofy.  I feel great.  Making plans to run either the San Antonio or Dallas White Rock marathon for my Boston qualify run.  Karen H said she may do Dallas White Rock with me if I choose that one.   

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Got up at 3:45 AM and drove to Austin to join Karen F and Karen H.  We did a 10 mile run on the streets of Austin and on the trail at Townlake (Lady Bird Lake).  A real nice run.  Felt great only 5 days after doing Pikes Peak.  This is the most total miles I have done in a single week for a long time.  This gives me 42 miles for the week. 

I feel like Pikes Peak is turning into just another fitness builder weekend rather than a marathon pounding workout that needs weeks of recovery.  Rather than be in recovery mode I feel like I'm in fitness building mode.

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Ran at McNeil HS with Donnie's group.  2 mile warm-up.  2 miles hard with Karen F & Karen H doing 400M fast with 100M recovery, 8 each.  Then did 1 mile cool down.  Temp 96 degrees plus Texas humidity.  A great workout.  


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Ran at Brushy Creek trail park.  The sun went behind the clouds and temps dropped from mid 90's to mid 80's.  A nice evening to run.

1 mile warm-up.  We did drills.  Then 4 loops as intervals with each loop faster than the previous.  6:28 first loop ran with Joe and Gordon..  6:11 second loop broke away from Joe and Gordon..  5:57 third loop ran away from Gordon, Joe followed.  5:41 fourth loop ran ahead by myself and had a strong finish.  This was a fun workout. 

 I'm going to bring my measuring wheel to Brushy Creek and measure the loop to get a better idea of just how long it is. 

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