2.5 crazy enjoyable miles with Ry, Smo and Iggy in the morning! The plan was to run another 2.5 miles with Smo in the evening. She has started cross country but is trying to balance that with basketball. Since she had basketball at 9:00 we got in 2.5 before (because she knew that wouldn't make her tired and she could still go hard at ball). Then, we were going to run later in the evening again. Livvy decided she wanted to come with us. I kid you not, the second we started running it began raining in an outpour I have rarely seen. Smo begged us to keep going. We tried. But about a quarter mile into the run it became apparent that it was not safe. Lightning, thunder, and the gutters were already overflowing. The rain hurt when it hit you. It was crazy. So we bee-lined it back home. |