Well . . . 12 weeks to Boston, I guess it's time for me to step up the miles. I have to admit that I was really liking the 5ish miles a day bit. I have got to figure out a way to convince myself that I will like the 6ish miles a day and then the 7ish miles a day and so forth (as well as the much longer weekend runs) just as much! Ha! 11 miles, AP 7:55 Absolutely beautiful weather other than the west wind. It was sunny and gorgeous. As long as I wasn't running directly west it felt ideal! I was tempted to just run north and south but I decided that I would make a big loop and suck it up! :-) I was by my lonesome since Ry hurt his neck yesterday, and Shelbey had already showered by the time I was ready to run! Ha! I was shocked that I didn't see any runners out today, maybe because I didn't get out the door until 10ish. Hee Hee! Got home and worked the glutes a bit: 50 lunges 50 squats 50 SLS back kicks |