6 miserable, long, terrible miles! I went to my moms early for a run so that she could babysit and I wouldn't have to run on the dreadmill....bleh! I thought I would start out slow and pick it up at the end. I was sloooooow all the way through. I never felt good and wanted to walk the entire run and I was so slow that I would have probably finished 6 earlier if I had been walking! BAD run day! It is my hubs birthday on Saturday and the entire run today, I was trying to come up with something to make his day special. He is turning 44. He is 5 years older than I am and somehow looks 5 years younger! What do you get a man that has absolutely everything??? His birthday is going to start with our 7 yr old performing at the Festival of Trees, then our 13 yr old is testing for his 2nd black belt, then our 11 yr old has a party and then our 13 yr old has a black belt party that the family is invited to....long day filled with kid stuff and I don't know when I will somehow make it fun for him to celebrate his special day. We don't even have enough time to go out to lunch or dinner together. Friday night is full with kid stuff too. He always tells me not to buy or do anything for his birthday, but when I have not made it special in some way, I can tell he is disappointed. :( |