Late night run! 4 miles training jog on my training schedule somehow almost turned into a 4 mile tempo tonight on Buchanan Loop, which is basically 2 miles of hillwork. Up down up down up down. But do you ever have those runs when you just feel invincible? No hill or pace can phase you? That was me for a while tonight. It wasn't even that I pushed that hard, I just didn't even realize I was going that fast until the last mile. Averaged 7:07, which isn't that fast in and of itself but it is for all of the hills! So I was really happy with that. I am supposed to take this weekend off, which I am surprisingly bummed about after this encouraging run. I was excited about running tomorrow morning, but nope. I totally trust my coach though and I know that he knows best and I shouldn't do any more (or less) than he says.