AM- 6 miles easy all around Western. 8:05 avg.
PM- 5 miles easy at rec and back down Speedwell Rd/Tilley Creek. 7:56 avg. 2nd run was only supposed to be 4 miles, but I am gonna be super crunched for time tomorrow morning and I'd have to wake up at like 5:30am to get my full warm-ups and cool downs in for the workout before I drive 6 hours to Myrtle Beach (LP tomorrow!!!). So I figured I'd start at 6am instead and just do a mile warm up and a mile cool down tomorrow instead of 3 warm up and 2 cool down. There's just no way I could wake up at 5:30 and do a workout and then drive 6 hours without falling asleep. Adding a mile today just made me feel a tad better about that because I hate missing out on mileage.