Tempo workout: 8 x 5 min. @ LT with 30 sec rests between. This was the first time I ran a tempo workout with these shorter intervals. As of last week, I am using some of Daniels' tempo workouts to add a little more structure to my LT work. Knowing I had only 5 minutes to endure, I may have gone a little too fast. My last 2 reps felt more like VO2max workouts. Although I have a Garmin, I run in a fairly hilly neighborhood, so I can only check my pace on the few flat stretches: the rest of the time (on the rolling hills) I go by perceived exertion based on those flat areas.
This run was also supposed to be a bit longer; I had to cut short my warm up by about 5 minutes and skip the extra miles I was going to run after the tempo section. But I was short on time this morning. I will try to add a few miles to tomorrow's run. ~15 min. abs & wts.