Hills for breakfast, hold the gnats

March 13, 2025

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Member Since:

Jan 31, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

Marathon PR: 4:17 at Portland Marathon, Oct. 2007

5K PR 24:37 2009

10K PR 52:58 2010

Have run 22 marathons to date.

No injuries, ever.   :)

Short-Term Running Goals:

Qualify for Boston (4:05 for my age/gender) - or, perhaps, to use my desire for a BQ as a way to get in the hated speed work so I don't just get slower and slower over the years.  This goal is "under (re)construction" right now, until I figure out whether it is truly what I want. :) 

Long-Term Running Goals:

To continue learning about myself and about running, and to enjoy being a fit, happy runner for life.   To always know why I am running and the best way to get the most (both mentally and physically) out of my runs.  To keep a sense of humor and remain optimistic about myself as a runner.  To enjoy running more and more with every passing year. 


Baby boomer generation.  Jogged a little in my 20's and 30's.  Started running seriously in 2002.  Low-carb runner since January 2010. 

I love long runs and cold, cloudy weather.  I don't believe in "junk miles."  I am an optimist.  I adore dark chocolate, fog, my family, and knitting -- not necessarily in that order.  

"As every runner knows, running is about more than just putting one foot in front of the other; it is about our lifestyle and who we are."  -- Joan Benoit Samuelson 

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks ST3 Lifetime Miles: 891.35
Vibram Five Fingers KSO Lifetime Miles: 23.77
Brooks ST3 II Lifetime Miles: 965.17
Lunaracers II Lifetime Miles: 198.23
Mizuno Wave Universe 3 Lifetime Miles: 104.14
Asics Piranha Lifetime Miles: 536.83
RunAmocs (Softstar) Lifetime Miles: 16.23
Piranha II Lifetime Miles: 219.53
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Objective: endurance w/ MP miles. 

Planned: 20 miles total with 5 easy (10:30-12:00), 5 x alternating 1 mile MP (8:55), 1 mile easy 10:30-11:30),  4 moderate (10:00 to 10:30), 1 mile easy (10:30-11:30)

Miles 1-5  11:01  10:39  10:25  11:16  10:27
Miles 6-15   8:36  10:44  8:36 10:32  8:43  10:36  8.33  10:37  8:59  12:17 (walked some)
Miles 16-20.17  10:19  10:50  10:15  10:33  10:13  (10:16 last .17)

Conditions in Seattle:  38F going up to low 40s, mostly cloudy becoming mostly sunny, light wind ~10 mph.

It's been kind of a hectic weekend, and I was already a little cranky about DLS time starting, but the 2-3 inches of snow on the ground this morning was the last straw.  I have already missed 2 important long run workouts in February due to illness, and though I knew that I could do the 20 miles in the snow, there was no way I was going to get the MP.  After my little emotional breakdown, my sweet, level headed husband said, "why don't you go to Seattle?"  It's a 45 minute drive each way, but I decided that it would be worth it to save my workout. Seattle's weather is much milder than ours.

Have you ever gone back to your old elementary school?  Running laps around Green Lake in Seattle was a little like that.  It seemed smaller.  I used to run there back when I lived nearby and was a beginner; so much has changed since then - in me, that is. I remember the day I made it around the lake two times! and thought I would collapse. 

It's a lovely spot, with two paths around it: a dirt trail on the outer perimeter (about 3.2 miles) and an asphalt trail closer to the lake (about 2.7 miles). I did a little of each today, but the outer trail was quite muddy and uneven, with large puddles to navigate. 

But the inner trail had its challenges too.  I forgot how crowded Green Lake can get on a sunny weekend day.  There were literally hundreds of walkers, runners, bikers and skaters going around.  At times, I had to weave in and out of what seemed like a 20-body-thick clump of humanity.  But it is mostly flat, with the exception of a few mild, short inclines, which is a luxury for me.   And there is no traffic to cross.  By switching directions and paths, I could make the laps fairly interesting, enjoy the use of my car as a base for hydration and fuel, and have a rare glimpse of what my pace  truly is when not measured in my hilly home turf.

I had a little trouble with side stitches -- very unusual for me.  Mile 12 (the 4th rep of 5) should probably not even be counted in the workout because I stopped the clock and had to walk around until the stitch subsided.  It came back in a different spot in mile 15, making me walk a bit more.  I rarely get a stitch. ??

My biggest concern about this workout is how difficult it was for me to control my pace.  Unless I stare at the dang Garmin every moment, I can't seem to tell how fast I'm going.  Those first 4 reps were way faster than I intended (perhaps causing the side stitches?).  They tired me out so badly that on #5, when I thought I had blown it because I was feeling so pooped by then, I finally hit the pace for which I was aiming all along.  Report card:  "needs improvement" on pace control, A+ on mileage...

Oh, and  a big D minus on temper control.  Around mile 17 I got hit by a dog and kind of lost it.  Yes, hit by a dog. You can see the pace drop there when I stopped to yell my head off at this guy.  He had an extendable leash (they should be illegal), and the dog was way over on my side of the path, looking behind him. As I scooted off to the outer edge to get by, the nitwit pulled the leash back in, which brought the dog's head back around to the front and wham! into my thigh.  (And the poor dog got walloped too.)  After that, I had a hard time controlling myself with other extendable leash owners,  yelling as I went along. "Pull that in!" "Too long!"  and the like.  My intolerance for crowded conditions, my tiredness, and the continuing pain in my leg brought out my warrior persona (not pretty), but fortunately I was almost done.

Sorry for such a long post.  I seem to do that a lot.  Fast typing skills meet girl who loves to go on and on about her running.   Have a great week, everyone.  

Blue Nike Triax 12 Miles: 20.17
From JD on Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 19:54:44 from

Nice long run!

It's understandable about losing your temper with the dog owner. Some people are completely clueless when it comes to their dogs in public! A couple of weeks ago, on a run, I stopped when two dogs came out of their yard barking after me. This happens at the same house almost everytime I run this route. So, I stopped and yelled at the house (the owners never show their faces), for about a full minute. Just a tirade of obscenities and threats (which I'll never follow up on, call me mr. passive-aggressive). I finally started moving on with my run but was still letting the expletives fly over my shoulder as I went. I'm sure the whole neighborhoods ears were burning!

Anyway, sounds like you had a good running adventure today. It's always nice to break up the routine a little bit.

From Carolyn in Colorado on Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 20:01:10 from

You really went through a lot to get your run in today - a drive to Seattle and then all the mass of humanity, canines, side stitch, etc. You are one dedicated woman. I give you an A+ for your run today.

I enjoy your long posts. Don't apologize.

From Kelli on Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 20:06:31 from

But I love to read your entries, so I am glad that you take the time to post them! I just finished reading all of your posts since March 1 (being out of town has me very behind). I am sorry that your weather is still not cooperating and I feel your pain!!! Winter just needs to go away, the only time I would also welcome bees (I hate those things).

Keep up the awesome training, stay away from dogs, and be safe! When is your next race?

From April27 on Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 22:13:49 from

I thought about you this morning because of the horrible rains we were having...I think we may have had tornado warnings...it was very windy!

I'm just glad that you didn't have to do another lap and then see that guy and his dog again! I feel bad for the dogs when they have bad owners!

You get an A for your run and being annoyed is completely reasonable. I know at the tail end of a long run I start getting annoyed when cars play that no you go game after you have waived them on like 3 times then they pull forward a little and you again wave them forward...I HATE that!

Any who...Happy Sunday!

From Bonnie on Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 10:08:19 from

I hear you on the frustration scale - I am that way about cars. I have a bad tendency to yell at them when they cut in front of me, don't slow down when they see me on the road (during yesterdays run I have to run about 1200 meters along a road with no shoulder or bike lane) -- it is in the National Park, people are supposed to be slowing down and yet they careen down the hills and around the blind corners like they are at the Indy 500! I was a bit childish with a little 'finger pointing' yesterday.

Good job getting out there and finishing a strong workout!

From Snoqualmie on Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 10:08:27 from

Thanks everyone. There is some major weirdness going on here in the blog. I could not see my post from yesterday, or any comments, until I posted today's run (Monday). Now I see Sunday, but not Monday. I think others might be having trouble too because there was a thread on the discussion forums. Does anyone know what's going on?

Kelli- I have a 5K on Saturday, a half-m in a couple of weeks, and Eugene Marathon in May. Welcome back from your trip. :)

ETA: I don't see posts from anyone else either, except those posted before Sunday.

From Metcalf Running on Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 10:53:28 from

Don't appologize for your post. I love reading them! I had a similar experiance with a dog... but he wsa totally unleashed! He just came at me... head butted me right in my thigh. Almost knocked my down, the owner was just as supprised as me LOL.

Great run... way to get your miles in even with all the advercity:)

From april27 on Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 14:26:15 from

how many races do you do a year? and I love reading your running narratives..I had a rottweiler charge at me from across the streets once...that day I had both my dogs with me! Scary!

From jefferey on Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 16:19:14 from

Sno., I'm sorry(it kind of cracked me up to think about it) but I just can't picture the person I've gotten to know on this blog as "yelling my head off" at somebody. Remind me to stay on your good side! Are you ready for the 5K? I look forward to actually meeting you there.

From snoqualmie on Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 19:47:06 from

April - my # of races per year varies a lot. I'm mostly a marathoner, but I'm trying to add some shorter races to try to motivate me to do more speed work.

Jeff - I am pretty even tempered most of the time. Cars and irresponsible dog owners bring out the worst in me I guess. Just don't try to run me over and we'll be great friends! 5K? Not ready at all. Might do a therapy session blog report on my anxiety this week.

From nicole on Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 00:47:36 from

Great run! I would have been MAAADD about that dog too, don't feel bad! I always get so mad at cars that practically run you over because they're not paying attention when turning.

Good luck at St. Paddy's! I can't wait to read about it! :-)

From kelli on Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 13:34:24 from

The blog has been acting up for me, too. Weirdness abounds.

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