Objective: easy Weather: High 30s F, clear, lots of moonlight, 1 patch fog, frost on cars, light breeze (Bf.1-2). 20 min core & weights
Legs felt good this morning. Today's mileage was nearly the same as yesterday, but 2 minutes faster overall time. I tackled "the big hill" (coming up from Crestview) the first time since before my marathon and felt pretty good, not too winded. Yesterday I mentioned my form drills. I wanted to add that I have received my most helpful form tips from a book called Programed To Run by Thomas Miller. I had pretty dreadful form before the book, so there was plenty of room for improvement, but I still think it is a terrific method. For what it's worth (and possibly for amusement), there is one form tip I actually received from the guy who gives my daughter horseback riding lessons. He is always talking to her about "collection." It means the horse's limbs, stride, movements are well under control at all gaits. What amazes me is that my tiny 11 y.o. is supposed to have some control over this, with nothing but her thin legs and two little strips of leather. Anyhow, I started to think about "collection" last year (in terms of human running) and realized that a lot of the time I was running with a kind of careless floppiness. I think about that from time to time ("Are you collected?") and it seems to be helpful.
I am so happy to be getting back to my normal speed. Today was still an easy day, but I did find myself moving faster at that effort level. Running faster is just more fun, plain and simple.