Objective: easy/recovery Conditions at 5:10 AM: Low 40s F, breezy (5-10 mph) Mostly clear. 20 min strength work after run
I'm quite sore and stiff this morning, especially in the calves and hamstrings. DH says, "Congratulations! That's wonderful!" This shoe (the Air Span) may have to go back. I'd like to wear them one more time when my legs feel better, but they were not as comfortable as I remember from the store. In fact, my left forefoot still feels kind of stressed out, as if I had been sitting on it or something. tsk tsk And there goes my shoe-type rotation plan. :( I would really like a third type of shoe, especially since I'll be using the Lunars somewhat sparingly. But perhaps the Triax is really the only all purpose shoe I can wear right now. I'll try the Spans again in a few days and see.