Objective: G.A. w/ cadence drills and strong effort on hills. Taper countdown: 12 days. Weather: Clear, 43F, starry sky w/ crescent moon. (Saw a shooting star.) 15 min. abs and weights
Although I put all my miles in the "easy" category up there, I know I was closer to MP during my drills, and MP effort level (but not pace of course) on the hills. It was a fun, quality run that made me feel more at ease with the reduced volume. This is the first morning we've dipped under 45 degrees. It felt cold! My body warmed up pretty quickly but it took about 30 minutes for my hands to feel comfortable, and that was with my fleece gloves on. I'll soon be breaking out the wool... Warning, indelicate subject ahead. I'm wondering if anyone has some good suggestions for... ahem, how shall I put this? Let's call it PATS (Porta-potty Avoidance Tactics and Strategies) -- specifically during a marathon. And I do mean any kind of pit stop, not just the digestive type. I try to keep my diet very clean and "normal" (no exotic foods) in the last week, and I do try not to go crazy with pre-race hydration, but in my last marathon I had to stop twice. Gr. It sure would be nice to avoid that this time around. I think most of my races have been stop-free, but certainly not all. Maybe it's just luck. I'd love to have some control over it though. Send me your PATS ideas please!