Lookie here! A day off. Man, I went back and forth about this. Add miles after the 5K tomorrow? Take off Sunday for Father's Day? Run low miles today? In the end, my pillow won out. Glorious, Precious, Sleeeeep... Hubby, daughter and I are all off to one of our favorite events today, the annual Homeschool Curriculum Expo. I remember the first time I went, when we were still just considering this path, and the joy of seeing that I would not have to reinvent the wheel. We take one of those big crates on wheels with a long handle and fill it up.
One of my closest friends, who is from Iran but lives here, has been in such turmoil all week. Her aged father in Iran was taken from his hospital bed during the night and put in prison. I have no idea what the circumstances were. He is back in the hospital now -- I guess they didn't actually want him dead which is what nearly happened. I think I've posted this beautiful link before, but I would like to share it again... here is hoping for peace in their future and ours. (The statistics are out of date by at least a year.)