55F, mostly cloudy, w/ some stars showing, pretty sunrise. Tempo run: 3 x 15 min w/ 1.5 minute recovery b/t. Target pace 8:30, distances/paces: 1.64 @ 9:10, 1.66 @ 9:02, 1.7 @ 8:50 (slightly different terrain on last rep). (Fun coincidence that it added up to exactly 5 miles at tempo, though it should have been more.) Finished with a 2.39 miles run/walk w/ SnoFlake. 10 min. core work.
Hard, hard, hard. (One moan for each rep.) Last night I was so tired and could not even imagine doing this workout, so I am fairly pleased. The disappointing pace is what it is, and there is no way it could have been faster. What could have happened is me blowing off the workout and just having another easy day, or even sleeping in and blowing off the run altogether. So. Mental check mark. :)