5:45 AM 42F, cloudy with showers. Recovery. Only the right quad is still a little painful, but the legs are super weak. 20 min core & upper body, stretching
Another shuffling little joglet. There were an amazing number of unfamiliar runners out this morning. The good Sno welcomes them warmly; the evil Sno asks in her mind, "Where were you when it was dark and cold and icy?" Bad Sno! Whine Department. 1) The roadwork that has shut down the express lanes on I-90 makes it necessary that my DH leave 10 minutes earlier on his non-carpool days. For now, it doesn't make much difference, but in the next two months or so it means getting up even (groan) earlier. 2) My daughter has the flu. I've spent the past 36 hours trying to keep her hydrated and comfortable. Poor thing.
Here is a little tidbit about marathons. The full distance of 26.2 is certified, but the individual miles are not. That means there could be slightly short or long miles. Also, always cut the tangent when it is safe and legal to do so. Don't go outside traffic cones or swerve into people, but whenever there is a bend or turn, take the shortest path; over such a long distance as 26.2 you will really save a lot of steps.