42F, mostly cloudy with patchy fog. Lots of gorgeous fall colors. Club run. I had a great time running with MSRC folks along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail. It is absolutely beautiful this morning, for us cloud/fog lovers. Such vivid colors. We had a pretty good turnout for the club run today, so I enjoyed the larger group - good conversation and lots of variety as we constantly changed pairings along the trail. One of the runners today was a woman who lives near me and has started organizing some weekday group runs. (I believe I blogged about running with them briefly a couple of weeks before my marathon.) I am looking forward to running more often with them when my recovery is complete (they are fast). On Sundays they do some interesting trail runs around here (Rattlesnake Lake to North Bend, Snoqualmie to Fall City via the Falls, etc.). I'd love to have some buddies to run those trails. |