55F & cloudy. :D Objective: general aerobic and running form. Trying to keep "easy" pace at 10:20-10:30. It was a great run, with the very interesting addition of seeing what that Daniels 10:23 pace feels like when done consistently. With the exception of the warm up, cool down and a few very hilly places, I was right on target. I cannot say it felt truly easy, but it was certainly doable and lots of fun. (I'm pleased to see how great my legs feel this week.) It made me start to wonder if I'm being lazy with my easy runs. So now I'm contemplating using this pace for most of my non-speed workouts, but throwing in a really slow run every week and calling that "recovery pace." General reading... Dean Karnzes in Forbes magazine. (I think the title of the article should be Paradigm Shift instead of Hitting the Wall.) Also, I'm enjoying the book Born To Run, about the Tarahumara tribe, distance running, and what humans are really capable of. For your reading pleasure and background, I dug this paper on the Tarahumara.
ETA: Almost forgot to mention... My run was cut short by a rather frustrating 5 minutes being locked inside one of the park bathrooms. That lock has been fussy for months and today it froze. The 911 operator was just connecting me to local authorities when I finally freed myself. I'll be calling the Parks Dept this morning. Between that and having to be home by 6:15 today -- and for the next 3 weeks -- I'm short of today's goal of 9 miles. Mr. Sno has to leave the house early during a road construction project, so I might even have to finish some of my runs... (cue horror movie music) on the treadmill! Eeeek!