This race was staged in Humble TX right off Townsend Blvd. in a condo complex/building project that was started but not completed perhaps due to the economy the last few years. Some of the buildings shows signs of decay which just adds to the ambiance of the END of the World. I signed up for this race (back in April for $65) because I planned to spend Christmas with my daughter whose house is only a 15min drive to the race. The RDs (Steve and Paula Boone, organizers of the Texas Marathon) are some of the funniest people. :) The race info had me laughing so hard: "Answers to frequently asked questions: Is it okay to wear headphones,
IPODs, MP3, Zune, and whatever device that sends music rattling around
in our head? You are welcome to use it as long as it does not distract
your attention from the race, jeopardize your safety or jeopardize the
safety of the other participants. Remember that zombies, aliens, and
Mayans are known to like loud music. Certification: The course is not USATF certified and is not a Boston qualifier because Boston 2013 will
not take place because of the end of the world.
Is there a time limit? This event is walker and velocity challenged participant friendly. Time limit is 9 hours. An early start is not necessary because there is no reason to hurry to the
end of the world. You must
be finished by sunset because we will all be tired by then and you
won’t stand a chance in the dark with zombies. Can
we bring our club tent and banner? We encourage marathon-gating.
Bring your tent, banners, comfy chairs and enthusiastic spectators.. I knew I'd be in for a very fun time! :) The course is on dirt trail with sections of loose sand, mud, dry grass and small section of private road. It loops around two small lakes and ponds in the woods. The map on the website shows a 3+miles route that was cleverly looped (like two figure-8s that you get to pass the same 3 aid stations and the start/end area 8 times (4 loops for the Full marathon, 2 loops for the Half). There were humorous signs posting along the course: Prefontaine's Car pointing to a discarded junked auto in the woods, Alien's Trip Wire on downed tree/branch/root, End of World Shelter next to a cement silo. The aid stations had aliens, zombies, skull/skeleton bones on the table dividing the water from the gatorade. The good part is you get to pass and high-five fellow runners and families numerous times. The bad part is you're very tempted to quit each time you run to the start/end where the volunteer direct you to either go left to the finish shute or right to run another loop of 6.8 miles! :)
We got to the start with 45 min to pick up the chips, use the pop and mingle with friends and fellow runners. Temp was 34, calm and the sun was rising as a layer of fog drifted over the ponds. The announcer was enthusiastic and mentioned that those ran yesterday on the END of the World Marathon got a taste of running an ultra as the course was 2 miles longER and many "crazies" are back for the DAY AFTER end of the World! Me and Larissa's friends who all ran their very first half-marathon ever!

The Marathon started on time at 8am after Ms. Waverly Walker (very appropriate name) sang the National Anthems, followed by the Half at 8:15. I jumped in a minute later towards the back of the pack.  No one seemed to be in a hurry. In fact we came to a dead stop of traffic jam when we dropped down thru a single tract of packed mud. :) The course was marked with arrows and orange tapes but I just followed the throng of people in front of me. The mile markers were few and not helpful. We reached the east side of the lake before mile 2 and could hear the start of the Half. Mile 4 was at the east and back side of the condo and as I rounded the building I saw hubby sitting in a lawn chair. I was confused thinking that the first loop was so short but then quickly realized that it was just half of the figure 8 loop! I dropped off my jacket and head band to hubby as the temp rose! There were many sections of loose dirt and fine sand that caused blisters to form on my big toes. When I reached the end of the first loop back to the start area, I sat on hubby's chair to doctor the feet. Had to do this two more times. Start of 2nd loop (mile 7), 3 more loops to go! :) WaHooo!
 The End of the World race shirt is black shown on this guy whereas the Day AFTER End of the W. shirt is purple and the hat shown on me is a cheery bright yellow! :) 
Larissa caught up to me after I stopped at the aid station. We ran 2+ miles together and I let her go when she had 5K left to go. She finished in 2:13, 3rd in her AG. I am so proud of her. This is her very first half marathon. She just wanted to run it for fun with me! :)
Brandon cheered Larissa in at the finish then left to take the kids home and to the airport to pick up David. Here's my beautiful daughter with that gigantic medal! :) 
Julianna, Beth, and Jill (not pictured here) finished around 3:04. I got to high five them 3 times as they ran pass on the opposite direction. So proud of these young mothers! :)
Fueling with half of a PB&J sandwitch, orange slices and water at the start/end aid station. Half way done! YaHOOO!!!  I found the pops behind the condo vacant each time I ran by so I went in for a 60 sec break (4 times) ! :) Hubby waited for me (after the first loop) at the aid station on the west side of the lake
to run the mile in to the finish with me. He did this three times! :) My legs were fried and my right ITB started to hurt from mile 15 on. I did the run/walk 4/1 min thing and walked thru the aid station every mile. Me and the two amigos around mile 19. I was so looking forward to sitting down in a chair to empty the sand/dirt off my socks and shoes!

At mile 20+ the volunteer shouted out directions to go left for the finish or right for another 6.8 mile loop. Each time he saw me go right, he'd cheered enthusiastically. This time, hubby urged me to go left. But I was too stubborn. My watch showed that I've run exactly 4 hours. It was very tempting to call it quit. But I was determined to FINISH this thing even if I had to crawl. Hubby and daughter were questioning my sanity or lack of it! :) My knee hurt so bad that I desperately needed some drug. I was in such a delirious state that I forgot about the stash I had put in my shirt pocket the night before. I asked a pack of three runners passing me if they had any ibuprofen. The guy in bright pockadots tights gave me two Tylenol. :) My shins started to cramp with 5K to go. I ran past a guy who was struggling. So I encouraged him to jog with me. He is in the Army and this is his second marathon. He is from Alabama. His brother lives in Salt Lake. Chatting with him about what motivated him to run and about his 2013 running goals helped both of us finish together without walking other than thru the aid stations. I was so HAPPY to see hubby at the last aid station with a mile to go. He ran me in to the finish together! :) That gigantic medal came in a silk lined box weighing 1.1 pound.  There were hot pizza, cookies and soda for all to enjoy at the finish. I had a lot of fun running this, my 10th marathon of the year. Larissa waited patiently for me and even took video of me and her dad running together to the finish.

They also gave us smiley squeezies with our finish positions written on the back. Although we both placed in our individual divisions...As stated on the race website: There are no age
group awards because every runner is special. 