62F, 35%. I finally got a bit of a reprieve from showing up at Ft Irwin so early all the time and had the time to do my mountain run. I looked on a topo chart and went to the highest mountain that was within running distance from my hotel. It was about 6 miles away, mostly desert running, with a couple miles of road to get there. Here it is from close up, taken from a little hill. 
Once I got to the base, it was less of a run, and more of a hike/climb. Closer to the top, I had to put down my Gatorade bottle (sorry nature) because I needed my hands. Here's the picture from the top:  Way off in the distance you can see some buildings - that's where my hotel is. My 2007 phone camera has terrible resolution, sorry.
For the climb down I went a different way and it was a bit more steep than I bargained for, but didn't take too long. It's no Mt Everest -- only about 1100' higher than my hotel's elevation -- but definitely out of my normal running routine. I did a couple of 6:40's on the 2-mile stretch of road back to the hotel. I can tell I'm going to be a bit sore too. The hiking/climbing part had me breathing harder than the running part.