63F, little breeze. Today was the annual fun run at work. All employees, plus their families (high school cross country kids included..) were invited. I started a little fast, and even so had 10-15 people in front of me after half a mile. Then started the gradual move up. Mile 1 in 5:58. I passed a shorty-shorts guy around halfway to move into 4th. Yellow singlet was up ahead but I already felt maxed out. Mile 2 in 6:05. I was content to coast, because I was pretty wasted already, but Yellow singlet was coming back to me...ugh. I made the pass and ran scared the rest of the way, as he sounded pretty close. Agonizing uphill the last half of mile 3, which ended up as another 6:04. After I heard mile 3 beep, the finish line was still a ways off, and I knew the course was long. I knew ahead of time it wouldn't be certified or anything, but why not make it a tenth short instead of a tenth long? Last 0.18 in 1:05 (5:57 pace). Ended up beating the yellow guy by 10 seconds to get 1st in my AG (actually the results had me first overall since the top 2 must not have had a chip). So I'm glad I fought for that last spot.
Anyway, that's about the pace I thought I'd run overall - would have eked in below 19:00 had the distance been right. In addition to doing my workouts, I need to get the mileage up to 60+ to get back in shape, I think. I've been languishing around 40-50/week and I don't think I can get my endurance back at those levels. Overall, a good solid race for me at this point.