Cortisone is amazing. I went to the Dr. today and he made my day/week/year. My right knee has been progressively worse since the 4th of July- to the point where I couldn't straighten it or bend it all the way and was only able to run 5 painful miles last week and only 2 miles the week before that. I have had several surgeries and thought maybe my running days were over. The doc said my knee joint still looks good, but there are some abnormalities from the surgeries that will cause me trouble if I am not smart about what I am doing but I have many miles left. He recommends my weekly mileage never exceeds 30ish and that I never go over 5 miles on tempo days- since it is the tempo miles that are most likely to cause a flare up. I got the go ahead to start running again when the swelling is gone- which he thought would be by the weekend and that I could cross train today, which I did. 3.5 miles on the elliptical in 32 minutes. He also felt I should be able to run SGM but wasn't to sure about hobblecreek. I think I might try it as a slow training run- we'll see. Since I'm going to have to do more cross training I'm going to log my cross training miles as slow miles and my running miles as fast miles. :)