I set a new PR today. A PR for monotony. I was all dressed to go for a run and when I stepped out the door it was 34 degrees and snowing hard. Nothing was sticking to the ground but I was going to get really wet and really cold so I ran 12 miles on the treadmill at home. That is a treadmill mileage PR of at least four miles and only the third time in three years I've used our treadmill at home. I was able to throw on some music but I was admitedly bored. At least I was warm...really warm.
Overall pace was 6:40. To keep myself from complete insanity, I would play with the speed buttons to try and hit certain artificial times at various lengths. Oh the things we do to stay in good shape.
Another three miles tonight on the treadmill. I started to feel some pain in my left IT band so I quit. I had planned on six. I'll have to see how things feel in the morning during my 12-mile run outside. |