A friend of mine that I lift with at the gym wanted to get out and climb a peak with me, so I thought Lake Mountain would be a good choice to hit before work. We started at 5:50 am. It was cool, but not cold and we ran for the first mile and then Nate wanted to stop and hike because it was getting steeper. There was a little bit less snow up there this week and we had a nice fast hiking pace all the way to the top. We made it in 1:17 which was two minutes slower than Jun and I last week.
The sun was just coming up on the summit and it was incredible. It was a little windy, so we ducked behind the summit house to take a gel and have a drink and then after checking out the views for a few more minutes we ran down.
There was still quite a bit of ice to deal with and I slipped a few times, but never went down. Nate stayed with me for the first two miles, but when we came out of the snow and I felt really good, so I pushed the pace (6:45) for the last two miles. I finished in 1:55 and waited 5-10 minutes for Nate to get back.
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