Ran to Sugarhouse, to the tree by Highland (we all know which tree- THE tree. Haha so specific) and started our fartlek. 20 x 1 on / 1 off. My legs were tired today. Averaged 7:29 for 5.51 so not as good as I would have liked but I guess for how I was feeling it was okay. I felt like my ons were somewhat fast, I'd guess 6:30-6:40 pace then offs around 8:20-30. I did recover quickly breathing wise, I'd have like 30 seconds left when I was ready to go. I guess I could have pushed a little on the offs when I was feeling recovered to try to get back to Bill but eh. Ran back to East and added to 11. On the cool down my left knee hurt. Rolled out and did my core, maybe I'll ice later.