Me, Sariah, Rose, Josh, (I don'tknow), and Emily

Here is the reason that I didn't get my sub-2:40 by 5 min. 2 blisters the size of half a dollar bill.

Gross factor

So, I just started running again a year ago and I am happy with my time (2:45), but disappointed also. I was shooting for a sub 2:40, and I know I have at least 2:37 in these legs right now. There is always next year. This was my first St. George Marathon. I will defiantly do some things different next time.
Just before the race, I met people from the blog for the time because I live in Boise. I met Josh E. Brandon D, & Dave Taylor. Josh and Dave was shooting for the same time.
The race started off, and we hit the first 5 miles and the pace was nice and comfortable, but I started to feel the blisters coming on. Amber G ran with us for a few miles and then surged ahead, Then Emily and Rosy came and ran with us going up Veyo. I hit the 10k at 36:58. Around mile 9, I started falling back from the group. because I felt like I was beginning to feel the hill to much. I kept the group in sight and I was hoping that I would catch up on the downhill. I hit half way in 1:21:09. I was thinking perfect and I am right where I want to be, but then the downhill started to make my feet really hurt.
Miles 15-16, I was able to run through the foot pain, but I thought that I could go faster. I was getting passed and couldn't latch on. I still though that my goal was still possible. I could still see Emily's pink jersey . Mile 18-19 I started to see my goal slipping. I was feeling tired, feet really hurting, and I started to easy off the pace. (This was the pint in the race that I wish I could take back. I should have just kept pushing the pace, but my will power was week). Mile 22, I thought that I could get sub 2:45 if I run 6 :30 +- till the end. At a few of the last aid stations I walked a few steps to ease the pain. At mile 25 I gave mentally and just coasted (slowly ) in
- 6:06
- 6:07
- 5:56
- 5:53
- 6:02
- 5:42
- 5:46
- 6:42
- 6:16
- 6:23
- 6:42
- 6:27
- 6:11
- 6:14
- 5:57
- 5:56
- 6:07
- 6:20
- 6:36
- 6:19
- 6:13
- 6:33
- 6:28
- 6:37
- 6:53
- 7:15
.2. 1:25