Following another 60-plus hour work week (one month down of this schedule and probably two more to go until things settle down and I can at least cut back to around fifty), I was so done. In short, it was a very tough 14.2-mile workout on the treadmill (average pace of an even 7:00 minutes per mile). I tried to fight through heavy legs from my stair workout on Wednesday, a sore core from my week of planks, and a still throbbing head from running into that tree yesterday. By the way, I still cannot believe the latter happened and it still feels like someone knocked me over the head with a baseball bat. However, this is what you get when you are tall and run like a freaking out-of-control ninny around town late at night. When I feel better, I’ll laugh about it.
My non-running workout consisted of 300 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, and a 90-second wall sit.
5-minute Plank Challenge: 2:25 (another PR and my core is absolutely feeling sore today)
Have a great Christmas weekend! |