It was an extremely hot Saturday along the Salt Lake Valley. Consequently, I broke up my run into two parts. In the morning, I ran up to REI and back to pick up some gear for the HTC relay. The total distance of this run was 10.1 miles.
In the late evening, I headed out for my second run over to the Cottonwood Country Club and back through Big Cottonwood Park where I completed 7 laps around the softball complex for a total distance of an even 10.0 miles.
Beside an 8.1-mile bike ride through a downpour (i.e., strange Utah weather), my non-running workout consisted of just 300 sit-ups.
Five-Minute Plank Challenge: 30 second plank and side planks
Trying-To-Go-Out-Of-My-Way-To-Eat-Healthy Challenge: a serving of oatmeal and mixed fruit