Following work, I was just beyond tired and a little bit under the weather; that is, absolutely feeling yesterday’s run. As a result, I jumped on the treadmill and jogged for 1.5 miles before heading to home. On the bus commute home, I stopped by the library to drop off some material before jogging 2.6 mile across town to catch anther bus to get home. In total, I was able to get in 4.1 miles at a slow pace.
For my non-running workout, I completed 300 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, and a 100-second wall-sit.
5-minute Plank Challenge: 2 x 1:00 (my aim on this one was just to get in two minutes no matter how many reps this required)
Trying-To-Go-Out-Of-My-Way-To-Eat-Healthy Daily Challenge: serving of oatmeal, serving of fruit, vegetable/tomato soup, and a whole-wheat lean turkey and chicken sandwich