After jogging 1.2 miles between several breaks from work, I did a stair workout with some of my colleagues following our shift. While wearing a twelve-pound weight vest, I knocked out 60 stair repeats for a total of 3.0 miles. By the way, I have found that wearing my Nike Frees goes well with stair racing. Also, this is just a brutal workout that I’m sure I’ll be feeling for the next several days.
In regards to my non-running workout, I was able to complete 300 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, and a 100-second wall sit.
5-minute Plank Challenge: 2:00 and 1:00 side planks both left and right
Ttying-To-Go-Out-Of-My-Way-To-Eat-Healthy Daily Challenge: banana, oatmeal mush (the gruel tasted better this time around), a salad, and whole-wheat pancakes.