Treadmill again, I ran the last mile in 6:00 just to see if I could do it. I haven't ran an 6:00mile in over 5 years.
I have a coaching questions, my son is a 14 year old 9th grader going to SkyRidge highschool, that kid can really push himself, last year he was around a 6:00 miler, he runs a big PR every trackmeet and last night ran a 5:02. Problem is his splits went like this. 73,77,90,62. He runs every race like that, starts out pretty perfect starts slowing down and then runs a 400M sprint passing up half the feild. I try to tell him to just run 73's and he'd be running sub 5:00 everytime but I can't run a 5:00 mile to show him. It seems like he's only a freshman and has plenty of time to figure it out, the coach doesn't seem to care, she's more worried about the Jr's and Sr's. Should I just let him keep running like that? He's seems to be enjoying himself. On the other hand on my team I have 2 8th grade twin brothers, those 2 pretty much just run 80 s laps no matter what, they never PR just run 5:20 everytime, they refuse to run the 800 for me but I'm guessing they'd run it in 2:40 if they did. Which is better?