6 loops around the Golf Course. Last day, so glad to leave Vegas today. 15 miles in 1:52:15 7:29 avg pace. Legs felt good but I was kind of lacking energy today. So, funny story. The President of my company called and told me I need to fly to New York for a meeting with him and a bunch of big wigs from Marriott hotels at the New York Marquis. I told him I didn't pack any dress clothes so he told me to just go buy some and expense them. I seriously don't buy dress clothes, I hate shopping, my entire wardrobe is marathon T-'s and nerdy tech t-shirts from conferences. Oh, and polos that have my company logo on them. I am in the most expensive place to buy clothes anywhere probably, so I went out shopping last night and spent over $400 on a shirt pants and belt. I still don't have shoes. I'm totally sick to my stomach about the whole thing. If I wanted to spend that much money it definitely wouldn't be on clothes.