sub-3 or blow-up trying

New Milford 5k

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Member Since:

May 01, 2008



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

2007 Highlights:  Litchfield Road Race (7.1) in 58:36

2008 Highlights:  New Jersey Marathon in 4:12, Bay State Marathon in 3:10:30

2009 Highlights:  Boston Marathon in 3:13:26, Litchfield Road Race in 49:30, New Haven 20k in 1:25:03, Bay State Marathon in 3:09:09

2010 Highlights:  Bradley 10k in 39:58, Litchfield Road Race in 48:06, New Haven 20k in 1:23:59, Ghost Trail 1/2 Marathon in 1:29:12 (trail), Philadelphia Marathon in 3:06:59

2011 Highlights:  Litchfield Road Race in 47:44, Ghost Trail 1/2 Marathon in 1:28:35, Goshen Turkey Trot in 40:46, Jingle Bell 5k in 19:05

2012 Highlights:  Finished Boston Marathon in 3:41:59 in 89 degree heat, broke the top 100 in Litchfield Road Race (82nd), 1st Place (overall) in Solstice 5k, Hogsback 1/2 in 1:29:36, and bq'd in Bay State Marathon (3:14:20).

Personal Records

1-mile:  5:39/track (2008)

5k:  19:05/Jingle Bell (2011)

10k:  39:58/road race (2010)

20k:  1:23:59 (2010/New Haven)

1/2 marathon:  1:28:35 (2011/Ghost Trail)

marathon:  3:06:59 (2010/Philly)





Short-Term Running Goals:

Sub-3:05 marathon in Fall

Sub-1:23 in New Haven 20k

Sub-46 min in Litchfield RR

Sub-19 in 5k

Sub-5:30 in mile

Upcoming Races: 






Long-Term Running Goals:

sub-3hr marathon

sub-5:15 min mile

become a competitive master's runner

win age division in smaller marathon



Married w/six daughters (9 year age span)

Pastor a church in NC

Enjoy travel and recreation with family

Began running in November of 2007



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Miles:This week: 55.00 Month: 138.00 Year: 756.00
Barefoot Lifetime Miles: 114.25
K12- Black Lifetime Miles: 401.00
Kinvara 13 (blue 1) Lifetime Miles: 335.00
Kinvara 13 (blue 2) Lifetime Miles: 363.00
Kinvara 14 Neon Lifetime Miles: 388.00
Kinvara 14/teal Lifetime Miles: 452.00
Kinvara Blue/red Lifetime Miles: 304.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Triumph 6 (2) Miles: 36.70Riders (red) Miles: 158.07Tangent 4 Miles: 60.50Tangent 3 (4) Miles: 4.50Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Weight: 176.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Raining out, so did 4.5 miles on the TM @ 9min pace. 

Triumph 6 (2) Miles: 3.00Riders (red) Miles: 1.50
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I was going to attempt a 5-mile "tempo", but had some serious sluggishness to overcome.  Began with a .25 mile "warm-up" and then started the run- Mile 1- 6:26 (breathy), Mile 2- 7:10 (never looked at watch until beep, so shocked to see how slow it was), Mile 3- 6:50 pace...stopped the tempo and jogged 1 mile at 9:17 pace before picking things up for the final 2 (6:47, 6:47), jogged a "cooldown" mile for 7.25 miles total.  Not an encouraging run.  Achilles was sore, system felt out of whack, and I was way too breathy throughout.  I think it's a combination of humidity, lack of sleep, and poor diet this past week (3 birthday parties w/cake)- and who knows, maybe it was turning "40"? 

Jogged 4 miles on the TM @ a 9:05 pace.

Tangent 4 Miles: 7.25Riders (red) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

4.5 miles on the TM at gym @ 9:15 pace.  Did 20min weights as well.

6.2 miles after dinner @ 9:30 pace.  Feeling very slow and sluggish. 

Triumph 6 (2) Miles: 6.20Riders (red) Miles: 4.50
Weight: 0.00
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Race: New Milford 5k (3.1 Miles) 00:19:19, Place overall: 50, Place in age division: 8
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Quite the experience!  Didn't really have a great week of running, quite sluggish, and not sure if I really wanted to run this evening.  Decided to do it anyway, to have a good workout if anything, and was satisfied with the result. 

It was hot and humid- low 80's and just really damp out.  The race this year was terribly disorganized.  700-800 runners registered and a huge line of folks who had not pre-registered (me included) who had to wait for 2-3 people signing us all in.  Waited in line for over half an hour.  I had on my garmin, so was unaware of the time.  Asked the woman at the table and she said 25 minutes until race time.  I decided to go for a 20-minute jog and then noticed about 1/4 mile away from returning that everyone was in place for the start.  Rushed back at about a 7min pace to get near the front of the line and began to sweat profusely.

Fortunately, the folks running the timing system did could not get it starting, so I had 10minutes to regain my composure and catch my breath.  However, about a 55 year old woman was positioned at the very front (she'd seen me slip into the crowd behind her back shoulder) turned and asked if I was going to "run her over".  Of course I said no and then she switched spots with her husband who turned and asked if I was going to run them over.  Again, I said no and then could hear them discussion my position behind them (is this really happening).  Finally, after they continued for 2-3 minutes, I said, "Folks, don't worry!  I'm obviously going to have to go around you, but I won't run over you...promise!!"  Secretly hoped the 40 teenagers behind me (non-runners) would all decide to run a 5-minute 1st mile and run them both over.  Probably not necessary for this report, but I need to vent somewhere.  Suddenly, as this was all going on, the race director, with no warning and no intercom, said "go!".  We were off...

Sure enough, about 50 teenagers ran to the front to keep up with the Kenyans for 1/4 mile or so and then by about 3/4 of a mile in everyone settled somewhat.  I looked down to my garmin to see a 6:05 pace, but had forgotten to press "start".  Decided to wait until hitting the first mile marker, but then saw clock at mile one had not been started.  This flustered me a bit and then about 15 seconds after passing the mile marker realized I still hadn't pressed "start" on my garmin, so said "screw it!"  I have no idea of what my splits were, so will just record the rest of my experience.  At the midway point there was a loop and somehow everyone got "criss-crossed", so there was tremendous weaving that took place and it was probably more annoying than detrimental to time.  The mile 2 marker was non-existant, so I just kept my head down and tried to run by feel.  It was very uncomfortable not knowing how far I was from the finish in the heat and humidty, but I finally was able to see a finishers clock.  Picked up my pace to barely sub-6 and finished in 19:19.  I'll have to wait to see the official time.

Last year I ran the same race in 20:03, so I'm definitely a step ahead of last summer.  Afterwards, there was only donuts, cookies, and warm water.  They would only allow for 1 cookie per runner.  Pretty cheap, considering the $18 entrance fee with no t-shirt or "swag" to show for it.  Not that I'm into those things, but a bit of a waste of money from my standpoint.  Didn't allow it to ruin my experience, but what an evening!  I'll take my 45 second pr on this particular course and might look for a different 5k for next year.  If you made it this far, thanks for putting up with my rant and have a great day. 

1 edit...they had me finishing in 19:26- I'm a bit skeptical because the clock had me finishing at 19:20 and the 19:26 has me finishing tied with a 15 year old.  Talking with others, several people found their time to be similiarly off a bit.  There was nobody within a few seconds in front or behind me...oh well, I'm keeping my time to what the actual clock said when I crossed the matter and either way still pr'd on that particular course by several seconds.  The winner ran a 13:52 (Kenyan from the Bronx). 

Riders (red) Miles: 7.10
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Attacked the "Pie Hill" course today and it ate me up and spit me out.  Very happy about a good, hard workout.  It was hot, humid and I gave it a good push until mile 10.  Got a little dehydrated (couldn't find water anywhere) and then walk/ran mile 12 before finding a spicket behind a school.  Trotted the last mile slowly for 13.25 total.  Wrung out might shirt 4-5 times and my socks twice during the run and just kept plugging.  Almost hit 70 for the week.  Think I'll get back in stride soon. 

Riders (red) Miles: 13.25
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

The last 2 days we have had company + I've had meetings, so no time to run.  Got out today for 13- 10 at about a 7:55 pace ("Pie Hill").

Triumph 6 (2) Miles: 13.00
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran "Pie Hill" again today, 12 of them at a 7:50 pace- 13.5 total.

Riders (red) Miles: 13.50
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Did a recovery run- 6.5 miles @ 9:30 pace.

Tangent 4 Miles: 6.50
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran 2.3 miles w/my daughter to get her ready for the road race this weekend.  Went on to do 8 miles total- 9:30-10/min pace.

Riders (red) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
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Race: Litchfield Hills Road Race (7.1 Miles) 00:48:06, Place overall: 106, Place in age division: 18
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran the Litchfield Road Race in our town.  Well over 1500 runners with several elites.  Very humid, yet the sun was covered and it ended up being quite "comfortable" in the high 60's/low 70's temperature wise.  My only goal was to beat last years time and I was able to do it by almost 90 seconds.  The splits will look ridiculously crazy, but much has to do with a huge hill (Gallows/9% grade) at the beginning and end of the race.  There is also a middle section that diverts into the woods with a not so steep, yet steady incline that can take a little out of you as well. 

Mile 1:  5:38 (Going with the adrenaline + downhill...way too fast, yet avoided getting trapped on the first neighborhood street)

Mile 2:  6:30 (Very flat, for most of the mile + a short, steep incline at the end- felt good)

Mile 3:  6:40 (Mostly flat w/barely an incline leading up)

Mile 4:  7:04 (Entering White's Woods- satisfied with this mile, yet not thrilled...ideally could have run 6:50ish with a 6:30 effort)

Mile 5:  7:01 (Felt fine, but completely lost focus...I was just keeping pace with those around me...should have been able to keep 6:45- they were trails, yet mostly flat with even a slight down section)

Mile 6:  6:46 (OK- I still had 6:30 in me, yet was trying to conserve for Gallow's hindsite should have just given the 6:30 effort- the hill is slow no matter what)

Last section:  Did not do well on the hill- this was the only section in which people passed me (maybe 2-3 runners- looked like teenagers)- got to the top of the hill and then was able to keep a 6:30 pace until the finish- Final time was 48:06.  With smarter racing may have been able to shave 10-15 seconds, yet am satisfied with the result.

Also, got in a few warm-up miles. 

Tangent 4 Miles: 9.35
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Did a .25 warm-up and then broke into a 3-mile tempo (6:53, 6:54, 7:04)- had to work really hard for it since it was entirely uphill (very gradual).  Jogged 2 miles and then did a 2-mile tempo back (6:46, 6:43)- didn't have to work as hard since it gradually sloped downward.  finished with 1.1 mile "cooldown" for 8.35 miles total. 

5 miles on TM @ 9min pace.

Riders (red) Miles: 13.35
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran 9.5 miles through the hills, 7.5 of them at 7:33 pace before hitting a trail and then jogging slowly up Gallows Lane. 

Riders (red) Miles: 9.50
Weight: 0.00
Race: Solstice Sprint 5k (3.1 Miles) 00:19:48, Place overall: 6, Place in age division: 2
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Headed down to West Hartford to run a 5k.  I've done it 2x and it's a very challenging course.  Ran a 7 mile race Sunday + hard workout on Monday, so second guessed trying to give an all-out effort today.  Decided to go for it and be my speedwork for this week...

Got to the race site an hour early, so got in 6 miles of "warm-up", including the race course.  There were about 100 runners today and we got started right at 6:30pm- temp was high 60's w/a pleasant breeze.

Mile 1:  6:17 (Mostly uphill, yet able to keep a steady pace...felt strong)

Mile 2:  6:45 (Much steeper section that flattened out about 2/3 way through mile 2...killer, especially on my right 40-year-old passed me who ended up taking 1st in age group by 12 seconds)

Mile 3:  6:13 (I was a little dissappointed with this mile...mostly flat and downhill and took me too long to really kick things in...began feeling strong again about 2/3 way through this mile)

Last .10:  Garmin had me at a 5:25 pace...wish I'd kicked it in a little sooner.


Ended up satisfied with my time, 19:48, which was a 25 second pr for me on this particular course.  The trends are looking good thus far for me this summer, so my biggest goal is being consistent and staying injury free. 

Did a little bit of a "cooldown" to round out my mileage at 10miles for the day.

Tangent 3 (4) Miles: 2.50Tangent 4 Miles: 7.50
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

2 sets on the TM:  4 miles right before dinner and 6 miles after- 9:30 pace. Also, did 20-min leg work. 

Riders (red) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Did a loop towards Morris, first 7 on the road...started downhill @ 9min pace for 2 miles, uphill @ 8min pace for 3 miles and then held the 8min pace flat for another 2 before veering into the woods.  Kept trail running real slow and finished up on Gallows for 12miles total. 

Riders (red) Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Did 20-min weights and then ran almost a 10-mile loop towards Morris and back, including 7 miles at 7:26 pace through a descent set of hills.  My weight was the lowest it's ever been- part of it was having completed this run on a hot day, yet I've never weighed less even following a 20-miler. 

Riders (red) Miles: 9.85
Weight: 175.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran 1-mile warm-up, 5 @ 7:15 pace, and finished with 2 miles "cooldown".  Muggy and buggy out this morning.  Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there!

Ran 5.75 miles with my wife at about 9:25 pace. 

Tangent 4 Miles: 8.00Riders (red) Miles: 5.75
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

5 miles on TM @ 10min pace + 20 min weights w/legs- feel very energetic and strong. 

Ran a progressive run w/Ed, starting out at 8:30 pace and finishing under 7min pace- 6.2 miles w/an overall avg. pace of 7:40/per mile. 

Riders (red) Miles: 11.20
Weight: 178.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran a very slow 9.5 miles in the rain (9:30 pace).  Felt sluggish, but still glad to get one in.

Riders (red) Miles: 9.50
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Warmed up 2 miles on TM and then ran outside 7.65 miles at a 9min/pace. 

Tangent 3 (4) Miles: 2.00Tangent 4 Miles: 7.65
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

9.5 miles @ 8:30 pace, running sub-8 for 6 miles and +9min for the last 3...achilles sore again today.  Think I'll scale back on speedwork and keep volume base going. 

Riders (red) Miles: 9.50
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

My wife had an overnight with girlscouts and then I had all day wedding home around 9pm and got a quick workout done on the TM- .25 warm-up and then did progressive run, doing 8.32 miles in 1 hour (7:21 pace). 

Riders (red) Miles: 8.57
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran 4 miles down to the track and then did a little bit of "speedwork"...

4x400:  85, 82, 82, 80 (jogged 2minutes between)

Jogged 1 lap

1 x 1mile:  6:12 (comfortably firm pace)

Jogged 1 lap

8 x 100:  semi-sprint barefoot

Jogged 1 lap

4x400:  82, 82, 81, 78 (lungs were fine...just had to be careful w/my achilles)

Jogged 1 mile and then ran home for a total of 15.25 miles

Hope to begin 2 "big workouts" per/week (Mon/Thurs) w/slow jogging in between days to keep up base mileage.  My hope is by Fall for the "big workouts" to incorporate at least 16-20 miles w/a tempo or two mixed with "speedwork".  We'll see how it goes. 

Barefoot Miles: 1.00Tangent 4 Miles: 14.25
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM:  Early morning workout at gym + 3 miles running (10min/pace)

PM:  7 miles real slow (just over 10min/pace). 

Triumph 6 (2) Miles: 3.00Riders (red) Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

11.5 miles on the TM @ 8:27 pace. 

Triumph 6 (2) Miles: 11.50
Weight: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Triumph 6 (2) Miles: 36.70Riders (red) Miles: 158.07Tangent 4 Miles: 60.50Tangent 3 (4) Miles: 4.50Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Weight: 176.50
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