After lingering too long by the fire and couch I made my way back to the tent changed into my night run clothes and warm layers then went to bed for about 90 minutes. Andy woke me up and it was time to get ready and head down to the exchange. Ken came in and I was off on the yellow (4 miler). It was dark and I had my head lamp, but all I kept hearing from people was how they kept falling! Nick had sprained/cracked his wrist. So, I was a scaredy cat as I ran. I think my first mile was 20minutes! No joke. It was downhill and I couldn't see the trail well and I was just plodding along. I was SO afraid of falling or hurting myself. After the first mile-ish you started a good mile climb. I loved it. I finally felt some control and could push and wasn't so afraid, but it was still slow due to the uphill. I finally reached the ridge and it looked like someone was behind me the light around me was so bright...then I realized it was the MOON! I flipped my head lamp off and was out there with the moon shadows - without cat :) Thought of QP and Brent that love their moon lit runs and just enjoyed it! It was my favorite run of the whole weekend. When I started downhill the camber of the trail again was difficult to see and anticipate, but the moonlight was still better than head-lamp. When I got down into the trees again and the shadows covered the trail, I then had to use the head-lamp, stink. It was a gorgeous night though, even if those stinkin' 4 miles took me a whopping 49:00!!! I went straight to the tent to change out of my wet clothes and met Rachelle in the bathroom. I convinced her to come with me to the secret couch inside by the fireplace and sleep. So, we dropped off bags, grabbed blankets and went to the couch...aaahhh! Rachelle spent some of the time on the hard tile floor :( but the warmth of the fireplace and indoors was worth it! I got 3+ nice hours of sleep on the couch by the fire! When I got back to the tent (Rachelle and I were the same runner and it was about time to get back out there) Kimberly asked if I'd even been there all night....ummm...yes? :) She knew I'd gone back to the secret couch, busted! It isn't my fault I know all the good places to sleep when camping. Shortly I was peeling off the layers to head down to get my last 3.5 mile loop done. I was bound and determined to not suck this one up...HA! Remember those lovely dead legs of mine? My mind really can't make them move for loving or money right now. The green loop wasn't half bad and had some nice downhill and gentle uphill stretches (other than the 1/2 mile switchbacks to the exchange). I should've been able to knock it out, but despite my push I barely eeked out just over 35:00 for the loop. Whatever. I've got to just accept that my legs are trashed and will take some time to come back to life. I'm just doing the best I can with what I've got on the day I'm given! Our team finished strong and our ringer Nick completed the 7.5 mile loop in 50:16...he is stinkin' AWESOME! Only 19 and already killin' it! You will hear of him soon, trust me. We tried to keep up with him the last 100ft, but that proved too much a task for all of us :) It was a great finish and I loved the team! Everyone held their own and did their best. I've never been on a 'runner' team at Ragnar before. Much different than any other. (everyone except Ken who had to leave right after his last leg)

My team spent the rest of Saturday and that night there again, but I had responsibilities and a family I was tired of missing, so I hitched a ride home with Skip. It was a great weekend and I hated missing out on the fun afterward, but I've been gone from my family too long. (our team know you love them! NERC is Northern Exposure Running Club) 