You know, I really feel good about my workouts - until I open the calendar and see a whole bunch of blanks...all over every day...nothin'. Dang it. I try to flip past that calendar as fast as humanly possible. Watch out Mr Calendar, I'll be back soon - and with a vengeance! Well, I went a little crazy today. Got up at 4:45 to get to the gym in time to do the 5:30 and 6:30 spin classes. If you don't get there by 5:10 your chances of getting a pass are slim to none! Walked about 10ish minutes on the track before class and then got it started. Two classes back to back - wow, Danielle is a great teacher! The 2nd class we spent the first 30 minutes IN the saddle, oh how I love her! :) Well, as I was leaving the gym (and going to cancel my daycare reservation) I remembered about masters swim today. Shoot. I love it and want to go - so I will. Went home and got the kids ready and off to school...then went back to the gym. I was early enough I decided I might as well hop into another spin class. Yes, my 3rd of the morning. I'd had a good 90 minute break, I was ready to go again :) Then after a quick diaper change for the baby (he was nice and timed it right between classes!) I went to masters swim and did 45 minutes of pulling again. Dang, I swear my arms better be ripped by the time I can kick again!!! Good 4 hours at the gym - now, it is time for a nap :)