Tuesday ten with the Newtons. It was just Chad, George and me. I was actually able to keep up with the guys on the uphills and I got to rest and wait for George at the top of the 10!! That hasn't happened in a LOOOOONNG time. Feels good to get some legs back. Lets see if I can destroy them this week, shall we? 10/day? The way home on the downhill George caught up with about 2.5 to go and we all just stuck together to the end. I felt like it was a comfortably hard pace, but I was talking and not feeling like I was going to die. So, when I saw the AP I was ecstatic. Especially with the last few mile splits. AP: 8:13 splits: 8:43, 8:24, 9:02, 9:07, 7:52, 8:23, 7:52, 7:45, 7:39, 7:33, 7:07 (last .1) Went home and my little guy was just tired and wouldn't wake up. Being up from 4-7AM I'm sure had nothing to do with it! I guess he was awake and upset when I left and then again when dad left just before I got home. Crazy child! Anyway, that put Lauren and me a little behind on our biking schedule, but I figured we'd work it out. Biked to the rec center. I took Adam to mom & me toddler swim class and Lauren did Masters swim (2100ish). We then rode down to MVC and Old Bingham then home. It was hot and windy and I was tired...and hungry. It took a lot out of me to get Adam and I home! But, I'm glad we got the 15 mile ride in.