Stroller run was cancelled today. I was trying to find someone to run 10 with me today, but everyone was busy. I thought a nice out and back on Lehi JRP would be perfect. I could push Adam and get my last "long" run in for SGM. Nope. Heavy rain and snow capped mountains put the kaibosh on those plans. I didn't want to freeze Adam out. So, since I'd slept in at this point, I decided it was time to go back to the dreadmill....ugh.
It wasn't as bad as it CAN be. Probably because I hadn't done it in so long. Adam was okay going in the nursery, but I only had one punch left...only 1 hour. I didn't want to buy more. So, I knew I wouldn't be able to get my 10 in, but if I took my extra time (they give you 15 min lee-way) I knew I could get 8 in before they charged me another punch :)
I'd already used 5 minutes just getting to the TM and ready, so I knew I'd have to bust this baby out, 1:05 was really all I had, because I wanted to cool down and then also needed another 5 min to get back down to the nursery.
I started at 7.0 to get the legs moving. Then, after about 15 minutes a good song came on and I just couldn't help kicking it to 7.5 as I listened to it twice :) Then, I went to 7.2 - felt nice and easy. I paused the TM at 31:00 min to grab a quick drink. Then, I pressed the 'finish' button so I could finish my workout. HA! That meant you want to finish NOW...not resume, like the other button said. I'm a little rusty on my TM skills. So, I now had 4.3 miles left. Easy Peasy. But, it took too much time to get the TM going again. I needed to hurry. I started at 7.2, then every 2 songs bumped it up .1 to just get done. At 7.5 I was getting tired and put the rise from 1.0% to nothing. Made the last bit easier :) I hit the last 1/2 mile hard and finished the last .1 at 9.0 - gotta get a good finish in.
TT: 1:05:00 AP: 8:08 - not too bad for a TM run.
Got back to the nursery a little late, but only because I stopped to chat with a friend running SGM next week while I was cleaning off my TM :) I don't think they charged me.
That is all folks...5,4,3,2 next week...then SGM. I wish I felt more confident of a PR. But, either way, it looks cool and I hope I have a good race. PR or not, I just want to finish feeling good!