Regular ol' loop with the Regular ol' crowd...but I love it. Carolyn (George's neighbor) came today as well. I ran most of the run with her and had fun talking about Jr High, HS and college. We went the same places! Small world, but I'm old so she only knows my little bro-in-law.
Last week, we did this loop at a sub 8mm pace, I FELT like I was giving the same energy today, but moving at a 10mm pace. I guess I should've eaten yesterday. I was busy and forgot until 7:30 when we had dinner...oops. So, lack of fuel and hydration I think played the greatest part of me feeling like crap today. Oh well, I got it done. I'd forgotten to switch the garmin from bike mode after yesterday's comedy of errors. So, my garmin showed me in mph...nice. A 7.0 mph bike ride is pretty slow :) Oh, well. No splits - bike mode only has one total lap. BUT, it shows my AP at 8:36. Not too shabby for a craptastic run! I bought trees and flowers yesterday that I need to plant before it gets hot this morning, so now I'm done...except for the yard work.