nothing! (if you can name that movie without google help you will be my best friend and gain all my respect!). Yup. Got home and in bed at 12:30AM from Lagoon and there was no way in heaven (or the devil's home) that I was going to get up to go to running group...or run at all for that matter. I was tired and sore and I just wanted to sleep. So I did! Miles, schmiles. If I fall short of my goal this week...oh well. Enjoying running and being happy and healthy are bigger priorities, right? I still had to work at 7, but the nice thing about my work is I can do it in my pj's :) so, alarm was set for 7AM. Ninety minutes later I got all three kids I was watching loaded in the car with baby (all the other kids were still sleeping, but I had to take him so he got early wake up too) and turned the key...nothin'. Ugghhhhh..... Lets just say the next 8 hours of my life were spent dealing with a car that wouldn't start. Luckily a very generous neighbor helped me jump the car (which didn't work) and then drive all the kids to their parks. Later I did get a jump to work, so I drove the car to the dealership - needed oil change and em/insp anyway- while they checked it out (we still have a warranty, so we have to take it there). 4 hours and $450 later I got to go home. 4 kids + waiting room + 4 hours = disaster! I finally got home at 4:30 ready to shower and get the day started, yeah PM. Just in time for work to show up again at 5:15...lovely. She asked why the car worked now. I told her "because the whole time you were off playing today I was sitting in a dealership waiting for the car to get fixed!" She just laughed. Needless to say, nothing else happened today. I came home and flopped. Someone must've known that in order to get me to rest I needed to be pushed off the edge. The rest day was nice and I actually feel like getting up tomorrow morning to run. That hasn't happened in a while :)