Finally got my butt out of bed and got to the Newton's Tuesday Ten. I'm a super slow poke (especially compared to them right now!) But, all in good time. Leg is feeling better and other than the CRAZY hot temps, even before the sun comes up, it was a great run. Just need to get back into it. The last couple miles before the first gas station we pass all I was dreaming about was getting there and getting some ice in my was SO hot and the sun was still behind the mountains!! So, that was my one and only stop along the way. A mile and a half to go, but I got some ice and water, the best was the handful of ice I shoved in my bra :) AP: 8:45 splits: 8:12, 8:27, 9:29, 9:53, 8:43, 9:18, 8:39, 8:18, 8:07, 8:26, 8:15 (last .1) Went home and tried Fritz's cross training. Got the lawn mowed and weeds taken care of in the yard and garden by 9:30. VERY productive morning so I could spend the rest of the day inside!