After a LOOOOONNNGGG Friday (curtain project was just too much!) and going to bed with a headache and stressed out to the max I crawled into bed with some Advil in my stomach hoping that Saturday's trail run would do me good. Oh, and did it! Just getting out for a few hours to RUN without stroller and baby and with good company on the trail up to View Benchmark I was just in heaven. I have now placed a pair of trail running shoes on my Christmas wish list! Met Jun, Dorsimus, Jun's brother and someone else I'm forgetting (this is what happens when you don't blog for 3 days!) at Chevron and then we caravaned up to the trail start. I was grateful to drive those 400+ ft of gain :) The trail is MUCH more runnable than Lake Mountain! Some spots where it was steep enough I put my power hike into use, but still working like crazy. Battled the wind, but being close to the mtn it helped. The wind wasn't nearly as bad on the peak as I thought it would be!
Me hitting the Peak. Yes, Craig had been waiting for like a half hour for me :) Okay, not really, but at least I wasn't last this time. 47:10.

I was SO excited to be at the top, I had to do a peak jump for Scott who had to miss the run! When we started back down I didn't realize how steep the up was. But, at least it didn't kill my quads. I did have to scream for my life a few times sliding on the slick mud, but overall it was wonderful! I now know why these guys do this one a few times a week. I'm in love...totally platonic, but love the same! :) The last couple miles I was right with Jun's brother and chatted with him for a while. I didn't even realize we were done until I saw the cars! TT: 1:25:07, I was the last one down (8 miles round trip). Thanks for letting the pansy girl tag along with the Boys Club!!!
My daughter did the tri class again this morning and I was hoping I'd get there in time to do the bike and run with her...and I did! Despite my muddy shoes and lack of a change of clothes (so I was hot for inside!) I did 30 min on the bike (14 miles - hard push, high cadence!) and Lauren cranked out 11.6 miles in the 25 min time they gave them. Then we hit the track and I just ran with Lauren and kept her moving. She did a great job and finished 3 miles! I really think she was running faster than 10mm, but they said it was 30 min...I think they cut the time short, because last time she did 3.4ish miles and walked some. She NEVER stopped to walk this time and kept a good pace. You should've seen her pick it up when they shouted 5 minutes! Love that girl! While everyone was just waiting around for the coach to tally up the totals (they count your swim laps -200yd course in 30 min; bike miles -25min; and run tallies - every 3 laps). I decided I wanted to push out one fast mile. I grabbed the stop watch and had Lauren time me. I did it in 6:43...awesome. Nice to see some speed come out of my legs when they are tired. At the 'awards' Lauren was given Top female kid award! She'd done overall the most in the time given! I was SO proud of her! Way to go! Then, she didn't even take the candy. She opted for the toy. Mom beamed again for healthy choices. She is on her way! I can't wait to see how she does this next year in Triathalons! A total of 12 miles and 30 min biking with a top award? Yeah, this called for some frogurt! AFTER stopping at the running store for a few minutes to add to my Christmas list :)