I AM a BQ runner. I AM strong. I CAN do hard things. I am no longer thinking about what I'm NOT, I will believe in what I AM!
On that note, had a dentist appointment early this morning - well early for me lately. The dentists office was a gal short and overbooked, so it took FOREVER to get us all through. Didn't get home until 10:30 and by then it was too late to go to the gym, because the daycare closes at 11:30. Why waste the $ at this point? So, I ran on MY treadmill (up and down my street)
I didn't want to. I was making excuses from the get go: I had a bad day yesterday, I'm struggling mentally lately to keep a positive mind set, my legs are tired and sore, I won't be able to run as fast as I want to, I need more recovery from Saturday. Yeah, uh huh...get your butt out the door and run! dummy.
So, I started running. I felt like I was running through molasses, but true to form I didn't check my garmin until I was done with the 1st mile - what the heck?!? 8:07, well, it felt fast, because it WAS faster than I'm used to warming up. I've wondered if my faster TM miles could translate to the road. If I could really make it work like that outside, alone, with just me and my crazy brain. But, I did - and I would've thought I was running closer to a 9mm!! YES! My plan to trick my brain into believing that I can run fast is already taking hold. Well, I pushed just a little harder the next mile - 7:35. Wow, guess all those excuses just got pounded, huh?
I did have to take a break here and run inside to use the little girls room - and check on all the kiddos picking my tomatoes in the garden. I decided to take the next two just easy and then push the last 2, easy = about 8:35 in my mind. Well, I didn't check garmin until I was done: 8:06, 8:09. HA! It really is working.
Walked from mile 4 beep back to my 'start line' to reset for the last 2 fast/push miles - maybe 50 feet. Got a good song on, and I was off. 7:39, 7:40. Nice, I'm lovin' it.
My road is kind of a U as far as elevation, pretty flat, but a down to about .25 mile away, then up to the turn and then you turn right back, so the finish is uphill and today it was into the wind. The wind got stronger every mile, but I was determined not to let excuses get the best of me. I AM a mentally strong runner, I AM able to push myself, I believe in myself.
Now, it's late and I've got a house that was destroyed over the weekend that needs some attention, and some kids that need lunch. So, I'm signing off.
AP: 7:53 splits: 8:07, 7:35, 8:06, 8:09, 7:39, 7:40 (6:48 last 20 feet recorded...see I was pushing to the finish! always bring it home strong!).
Don't forget to check out my awesome BIL training for his first full! He is really working hard and I'm excited to be able to watch him finish Nov 12th in Richmond!