Speed work with the BBK's! I finally am starting to feel good and hit some decent paces on speed work. It's nice to finally feel slightly recovered from Ogden and UVM and nasty injury plagues this summer. Nice and easy warm-up for 3 miles and then we hit the track. We did a mile of warm-up with the last two laps doing pick ups on the straights, then the fun began. Many in the group had done the SV half and so weren't quite ready for speed work, had I known that I may have chickened out and not done it, but since I'm always so behind I started about a half-lap early and never noticed until half way done that only a few had stayed on the track - the die hards! :) 3X400M with a 200M recovery and then 2X1200M with a 400M recovery between. Repeated twice with a 400 between sets. I forgot to lap the first 2 400's; maybe it was because I have been too afraid to record my splits for speed work yet this year, but I finally felt I was hitting something well so I lapped my 3rd 400: (1:36 - 6:13 pace). Not too shabby. The best part was the whole first set only the super speedy guys passed me! No one ever lapped me like usually happens, now I was a little ahead, but I still usually start that way and get passed. Not even Michelle and Peggy caught me until the very end!! :) Splits for the rest are as follows: 1200 X 2 (5:20, 5:23 - Garmin has the 5:23 @ 6:55 pace, because it was recorded long at .78) 400 X 3 (1:41, 1:41, 1:40 - 6:40ish pace, love that the last one was a tad faster! Not as good as my last one in the first set, but still not too shabby for me!) 1200 X 2 (5:32, 5:32 - 7:09mm; still not as fast as my 2 the first round, but not all that much slower.) Finished with 2 cool down laps around the track then some good chatting before we left :) I'm proud of myself for sticking out the track work and not slacking off, but pushing myself of tired legs from Saturday, then hitting some decent paces to boot! I really like that my 1200's weren't all that far off of my goal pace for 800's to predict my 3:35 marathon time. Gives me confidence. Like I said yesterday, it's time to dig in and get it done. No more whining. There is do or do not - make a decision, plug in and do it. AP for 11 miles: 8:17, probably my fastest ever double digits run!