I registered for this race to run with my friend Jocelyn. She had contacted me months ago wanting to train for and race this as her first half marathon. So, knowing I would have dead legs from Thursday, I told her I would run with her. She was intimidated, but I knew better than her that I was JUST fine going poky slow...for me.
She plugged into music right away so I chatted with Laura Western, Skinner, Heather and Shaylee since we all started early and it was great! Just a wonderful little run with friends.
I got chatting with Skinner and got way ahead of Jocelyn, but I would keep an eye on her and then stop every once in a while to walk and let her catch up. Around mile 6 I caught back to Shaylee and Skinner went with his wife. From there on out I chatted with Shaylee and then around mile 10 she started struggling, but Jocelyn just kept plowing ahead. She obviously didn't need the support I was giving to Shaylee, so I stayed with her and we were maybe 1min behind Jocelyn so I could watch her and catch her if she dropped back.
I had a great chat with Shaylee and hopefully helped her realize she had the determination and strength to hit her goals, she just needs to believe it!
We finished strong and Shaylee realized she set a PR. Celebration for the first timer as well as the PRer! Then I headed back out to pick up mom...Laura. Lisa was sick so I had to pick up the slack and run mom in :) I didn't have my garmin on, but I'm guessing I ran about another 1/2 mile or so.
We all ate and chatted for quite some time and I loved seeing more friends! Running buddies are the best!
Certainly not a fast race for me, but sometimes races have greater purposes than PRs and fast miles.